
The Bielefelder Kennhühne

Recognised by Entente Européenne -  1980
Non-standardised in UK

Gerd Roth, Bielefeld, Germany

Cuckoo Maline, Amrock,
New Hampshire Red, & Wyandotte

Soft Feather Heavy Breed
Dual Purpose

Average Weight:
Cock 8 to 9lb - 4kg
Hen 7 to 8lbs  - 3.5kg

Ring Size:
Cock - 22mm
Hen - 20mm

160 - 230

Shell Colour:

During the 1970's Gerd Roth, a breeder in Germany, set out to create variety which was large, placid and cold-resistant, was a reliable layer, produced a good table bird and was autosexing – no mean wish list!! Though this is a mighty wish list the breed was created ain the late 1970's and was recognised as in 1980; the original name for the breed was intended to reflect that it was a German breed, however this was not deemed acceptable and it was named Bielefelder Kennhühne, reflecting that it was a breed from the Bielefeld region of East Westfalia.

The Bielefelder is similar in appearance to the Welbar,  and like the Welbar can be bred in two colours, firstly the Gold or cuckoo red partridge colouring also known as Crele which is slightly richer in colour than the Welbar with the hens having an orange breast whilst the Welbars are more salmon; and secondly in Silver. It is also considerably larger in size and heavier in build than the Welbar; cocks weighing in at around 4kg and hens at over 3kg. The body shape is rectangular or brick shaped. Egg laying is a respectable 160 to 200.

The breeds used in the development of this relatively new breed includes the Cuckoo Maline, Amrock, New Hampshire Red, and the Wyandotte – giving an all-round balance of utility breeds known for egg laying and meat birds. The Bielefelder is reliably autosexing, at day old the cockerels are light in colour with a white head spot, whereas in contrast the pullets are light brown with a dark brown dorsal stripe and a much smaller head spot.

Unfortunately I found that the breed did not live up to my expectations .... they were not as large or dual purpose  as I anticipated; productivity was low, and eggs disappointing.   This may be a reflection of the foundation stock I obtained rather than the breed as a whole. For various reasons I wanted to reduce to just one breed and so discontinued with them.


alt© John S Harrison